Friday, December 28, 2012

The Healing Power of NO

My encouragement to a healer who can't say NO:

In my experience:

I learned NO, MINE, and BYE-BYE by the age of two 
- but I allowed myself to be socialized out of it.  

Yet, these are the energetic cornerstones of a well, whole, self-directed system: 
I must own these tools to be a well HEALER. 
Otherwise, soon I am a broken healer of no use to anyone, including myself 
... been there got the T-shirt! 

If I say NO, I make way for a bigger YES - for everyone involved. 
It helps me to TRUST Spirit, Self, Other, Life...

My compulsion to say Yes as a healer, 
tends to be a band-aid for my own experience of pain, brokenness and need, 
the 3 most likely suspects (some of the many HUGE temptations of a healer):

1) I want to focus on others healing instead of my own.

(But the secret is the more I face my self and allow myself to heal, 
the more I am a healing presence for others.)

2) I want them to love me and think I am great.

(But the secret is the more I am my real self, 
authentically shining and doing what is best for Me 
- the more I am authentically loved and appreciated by others... 
and they are inspired to live and love, and shine!)

3) I want to believe and/or I want them to believe I am SPECIAL: 
they Need ME - ha!

(But the secret is, their healing is between THEM and their bodies and Spirit... 
I am honored to assist when appropriate! 
They don't need Me, and it is beneficial for us both to keep that at the top of mind.)

What is your experience?
Peace and Grace to you on your unique journey 
- Wendy

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to receive a Spiritual Reading

I just answered this question, so I thought I would share here:

What would you tell someone who was considering a Spiritual Reading?
I would tell them what I tell my readees, and my students:

1)  When getting a reading, remembering your Free Will is key

Humans are infinitely creative!
We can keep going in the directions we have chosen in the past 
or we can change direction whenever we choose to. 

Each of us can learn and grow and heal and change - yee ha!

This can drastically alter our lives, energies, bodies, relationships, perceptions, abilities, etc. 
This has been my experience in my own life.
I have also had the privilege to watch so many others 
become more conscious of themselves as spirit and 
co-create a very different life for themselves than might have happened otherwise.

I say all this to underline why I believe in free will. 
There is a rumor going around that our free will is a gift from Spirit. 
Therefore, I suggest:

 - avoid advice 
(information is very useful, but you are an adult, you don't need to be told what to do!)

 - avoid predictions of your future 
(you choose your route, and you can shift your direction any time!)

 - basically, I am saying, avoid 'programming' 
('buying' and 'wearing' someone else's information, expectations, desires...
that do not fit you as well as your own)

This is not meant to hamper or discourage you in your questions 
or the value you will receive in a reading – just the opposite.

You can ask to look at any situation or choice that is before you 
and ask about what the energy is now – in the present - 
and the direction you are going.

This will support you to make your own choices 
and honor the gift of your own spiritual freedom.

2) Getting a reading, can be a wonderful gift of an outside perspective, a spiritual perspective.

A reading is like what folks say about an accident at a cross-street, 
each person on a different corner, sees a different accident.

This is the gift of a reading 
- you are receiving a different perspective on yourself and your creations 
(your life, body, relationships, etc) 
that is outside your own usual consciousness. 

It can be like looking in a sacred mirror, 
getting a reflection of yourself from a different angle.
This is potentially an incredible blessing!

Optimally, your reader will give you a spiritual perspective 
- neutral, amused, validating, spiritually-focused -  
this can be a wonderful healing, encouragement and inspiration to learn and grow.

If you perceive your reading as primarily physically-focused:
emotional, judgmental, invalidating, blaming... 
I would suggest wiping your feet and walking away.

3)  Getting a reading is like a Spaghetti fight  - what sticks to you, is yours ; )

It is useful to stay neutral and amused, present and open in your reading.
Keep only what validates you, and leave the rest.

Just like the rest of life, 
YOUR information and experience is central.
Stay senior in your own space, 
and avoid allowing yourself to be 'programed' by other's perspective.

If something the reader says doesn't jive with you, 
don't let yourself get Hooked:  

I recommend letting go of judging, resisting or invalidating the information and experience.
If something seems to not fit, if it feels wrong:  
you don't have to 'buy it', letting go of the tendency to Resist! 
– just let it go.

But, as a rule: take what is said and meditate on it 
- there are probably a lot of jewels in there for you.

Even things that don't initially seem true for you, 
there May be truth in it for you – 

So, if something is bugging you, niggling at you: 
I recommend letting it sit on 'the shelf' for a few days; 
then meditate on it, ask Spirit: what is the gift for me in this information?

I encourage you to let this perspective from outside yourself, 
hopefully a spiritual perspective, 
inform your life and your living.

But, most importantly, 
I urge you to continue to develop your own spiritual 'ears', 'eyes', 'knowing' etc 
- so you can continue to deepen as the authority in your own life, the driver of your own car (life).


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Clearing Trauma: it takes. Minute AND its Worth our Investment

I have had the dark blessing of a long and winding way 
with much opportunity to Clear Trauma, Abuse, PTSD, anxiety, depression, emotions, habits, addictions...

Deep wounding takes more than saying a few words to clear it. 
It takes turning the ship, not 're-arranging chairs on the Titanic' ; )

As I told a healer I worked with a while ago, 
"if it was easy for me to change and let this go, I would be healed and whole years ago."

Utilizing intention, along with meditation techniques, and wise and compassionate support, 
I have cleared a large percentage of my abuse pictures/energy and all that came with it.
As well as the 'bent-ness; that perpetuated into my adult life, and which I built my self and life upon. 

And I am still fully engaged in this process, and I will be for a long time. 
It takes courage and persistence. 
And for me, as with many, it got worse (as things came up and out to clear) before it got better.

Healing and experiencing wholeness is available to us. 

When we clean up the mess, life can be a joy: easy and fun! 
We don't have to live with PTSD or any other brokenness, 
without hope of healing and restoration. 

And, yes, I had to change!
to begin identifying with myself as spirt, 
and not with my abuse and the brokenness that I experienced from that.

Meanwhile, with extreme issues, it is not usually as easy as 'falling off a log.' 
I believe it is absolutely necessary to have powerful energy techniques; 
and wise, compassionate support for this process. 

For some, it is a very challenging path: 
it can feel like hell, or dying, or going completely loony, or all the above!

Wise and compassionate support is essential for many, for many reasons, including:
1) It is almost impossible to face some of the worst stuff alone.
2) It is important not to 'fall off the edge.'
3) It is necessary to deal with the tremendously temptation to want to run back to living with the terrible pain and brokenness, rather than pushing through the horror, to eventual experience of freedom and lightness and wholeness.

Enough for now, I am going out to play!

Yay for wounded healers: 
may we keep healing ourselves, so we can be Well and Happy; 
and from there we can effectively assist others!



spiritual senses


Do We Have The Ability To Feel Others?
- Prof. Ervin Laszlo talks with Rav Laitman about how feeling others is the mark of a higher consciousness that we need to achieve.

Wendy R Wolf
Yes, I agree, in addition to physical senses and abilities are spiritual senses and abilities. I find it encouraging to have these validated by folks from different backgrounds and religions.

In my tradition, we distinguish between different spiritual senses, including: spiritual physical feeling (including pressure, taste and touch); spiritual emotional and sexual information - where resides sympathy for example; spiritual affinity (experience of oneness) - where resides compassion and empathy; spiritual hearing and other communication information; spiritual sight; spiritual knowing.

We have distinguished, as we go along this list, information becomes more neutral, less body-focused & more spiritually-focused (for example, seeing spiritually can help me have more clear, neutral information about a relationship than perhaps utilizing my spiritual emotional or sexual information). So we practice the 'higher' senses, to access and enjoy clearer information, as well as clearer connection with God.


Monday, June 4, 2012

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."

you can some about this here

I don't practice Dr. Len's method, but I am informed by it in my own healing practice.

I shared about Dr. Len's modern application of hoʻoponopono 
with a couple of my students the other day in an advanced healing class. 
They came back reporting a shift for themselves 
by referencing/utilizing some of Dr Len's distinctions within their own spiritual healing practice.

I had shared about this tangentially, and i was excited to see this fruit.

I think each of these:
"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."
can be useful doorways for healing

More usefully, from my perspective, is the KNOWing, BEing and DOing that:
what we heal inside ourselves
really does heal the world outside ourselves.

BEING the change we want to see in the world
IS the WAY

I believe Dr. Len's story is a modern example of many powerful healers through the ages 
and the shift that HAPPENS, when we shift.

I like to share it for inspiration.
Blessings, w

Sunday, June 3, 2012

How can our experience of being alive, shift?

With Soul Evolution:
What might we be able to do?
How can things be different?

The leap into a spiritually-focused life can change everything.

Our new capacities that we access and build upon, shift our lives dramatically for the better, inside and out.  
Along our unique spiritual path we find support, connection and the true fulfillment of our deepest calling.  
We become more conscious, effective agents of change in our lives and in the world.

When you access the outcomes below with ease and consistency, how could it change your world?

1.  Turn glimpses of possibility and clarity into lasting change and sustained momentum

One of the universal challenges on the path of spiritual development and personal growth is converting our insights into lasting results.  
Despite hard work, glimmers of tremendous potential, and deepening awareness 
- and even periods of significant progress - 
many of us are frustrated by our tendency to slide back into old patterns.

This waning of consistency and commitment is natural.  
But when we are able to access our soul, 
we discover resources that are enduring and powerful enough to sustain our practices, 
truly embody new possibilities, 
and move us to act on what really matters to us.

Imagine tapping into a source of inspiration that so powerfully transcends the drives of our habitual self, 
that we just can't go back to the way things have been. 
With a larger perspective, and expanded internal resources, 
we become what we access in our most inspired moments. 

The result: 
an active, new-found momentum in our spiritual practices, in our lives, and in our highest aspirations in the world.

2.  Create deeper, more authentic relationships, and find community with others who share our values and aspirations

Stepping up to meaningful change in the world 
and to pioneer a new way of being human is an exciting and enlivening prospect, 
but it can also feel lonely out on the leading edge. 
When we surround ourselves with others who share a commitment to Soul Evolution, 
we can more easily overcome social gravity.

That's where evolutionary partnership with kindred spirits becomes useful. 
We can access deeply connected friendships and partnerships that serve us, and others.  
As a Soul Evolutionaries, we can both give and receive in conscious collaboration.

3.  Discover a spiritual practice that is relevant to our modern world and can be lived 24/7

Many people's spiritual longings are scarcely fulfilled by a half-hour-a-day meditation practice, 
and we wonder how to live spiritually when life's demands don't allow for extended retreats and pilgrimages.

And although traditional paths and practices have helped humans all along, 
many of us are not deeply served by them.

Soul Evolution practices are relevant to the complexities and challenges of modern life 
- an engaged, holistic approach that turns everyday life into a spiritual practice, 24/7.  
We don't sequester ourselves to prepare for a later return to living.  
It's spiritual life - in action - NOW.

When we step into Soul Evolution Practices, conscious living is part of the practice 
- how we relate to our experiences, situations, and other people. 
The result is a practical, grounded spirituality that has impact on ourselves and the world 
- and a daily life infused with meaning and purpose.

4. Learn how to defuse our physical-focus and undermining habits

Our habit of physical-focus is an obstacle 
when we are choosing to live a spiritually-focused life: 
conscious, awakened, enlightened, free.

When these unproductive habits and instincts run the show unconsciously, 
nothing really works the way we sense it could 
- not in our lives or in our world.

What's more, many spiritual and psychological disciplines have taught us that 
our human nature is fixed and must be accepted, 
offering little hope for anything more than "small change."

But the discovery of the soul self changes all that, 
offering a path beyond old patterns and ways of being,  
a path that is more direct than most of us can imagine. 

By aligning with the pure and powerful part of ourselves, 
we bypass outmoded impulses. 
We liberate ourselves from the religious and social programming of our world.

The drives toward survival, emotionality, stasis, 'being right', avoidance of truth and commitment... 
loose their grip on our lives. 
They don't go away, but they cease to be compelling. 

The voice of limitation no longer captures our attention; 
the temptation to play the victim loses its charge. 

With ourselves as spirit in the driver's seat, 
we are free to take creative healthy risks, 
lean into positive change, 
face truths with less resistance, and 
allow the flourishing of our highest human potential. 

5. Live our highest aspirations, wisdom and callings, even when we don't feel like it

From the soul self, we experience an un-linking of the bondage 
between our thoughts & feelings, and our choices & actions. 
We discover the liberation of our capacity to consciously align our self with Higher Consciousness.

Instead of being thrown off-course by strong feelings, 
we are informed by them and we can keep our course.  
You can give up the notion that "I couldn't help it."   
Emotions such as fear don't have to be obstacles to internal freedom and external action. 

This doesn't mean suppressing our feelings.  
We can feel all our feelings deeply - even more so - 
with an expanding care for the whole;
and still see clearly in the face of them. 

And, we learn to read our feelings more accurately 
and obtain the wisdom and data they contain... 
without getting sidetracked by them.

The result:  Better choices, commitment, and a life of integrity and presence.

Emotional and intellectual freedom 
is one of the most liberating and powerful transformations of Soul Evolution.  
Spiritual freedom is key.

6. "Draft" on the momentum and energy of evolution

When we don't seem to be getting the results our spiritual practices were intended to deliver, 
many of us begin to doubt that the ideals we once set out to manifest are even possible.  
Unfortunately, much of contemporary spiritual thought supports this reduced vision, 
suggesting we "call off the search" and accept that this is as good as it gets.  

One of the pitfalls most people don't even realize they're stuck in 
is a context for our spiritual work that's simply too small. 
An unfortunate byproduct of our individualistic culture 
is that spiritual growth is often seen as being strictly personal 
- for our own fulfillment, happiness, and enlightenment.

Entire generation has thus been earnestly working on themselves 
chiefly to obtain happier, more peaceful lives 
- and wondering why this doesn't catalyze significant change.

What if the purpose of a spiritual path includes us, but doesn't end with us? 

In Soul Evolution, we connect with the role our own progress plays in the great game of Soul Evolution 
- the way that, as evolving beings in an evolving universe, we can participate in the advancement of humanity and Consciousness itself.  
Our healing and transformation effects those around us, and beyond.

7. Find the resilience, perspective and genuine optimism to face the biggest challenges confronting humanity today

The Spiritual perspective helps us understand and navigate our problems and challenges more accurately, 
and offers a vantage-point that is the ultimate antidote to cynicism: 
we realize that everything can and will change.

The practices of Soul Evolution infuse us 
with resilience, inspiration, creativity, and energy. 

With spirit leading the charge, 
we're tapped into the limitless, positive and unstoppable momentum of the cosmos itself. 

Rather than take on issues alone, as individuals or even as a community, 
we're fueled by something much larger.

We can also take heart in the fact that by developing ourselves, 
we are "being the change" 
and doing perhaps the most important work of all:

contributing to a cultural and energetic shift 
that may ultimately instigate more improvement than tackling any one issue on its own.


These are a few of the ways in which our experience of being alive can shift 
when we step into what is an evolutionary relationship to life 
- the fundamental shift in our orientation that is generated 
when we awaken this deeper part of our self as spirit and take the reins.

When we are able to cultivate these very real capabilities, 
we find that our deepest hopes and dreams 
for a comfortable self and a better world weren't a pipe dream after all. 

We learn that we can evolve what it is to be human 
- not modestly, but radically - 
in a way that not only better serves our work, families and lives, 
but fulfills on the highest promise of humanity's potential.

Soul Evolution, take the next step.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Spiritual & Psychic Journey

One of the ways to introduce myself, is by sharing the highlights of my Psychic journey, as someone who Loves God.

I always remember experiencing strong clairsentience (spiritual feeling) & some claircognizance (spiritual knowingness). Growing up in an abusive household, I used that to help "protect" me (It didn’t really help, in retrospect, but I had an illusion of some control at least ; )

I grew up Catholic. I can point to my first conscious mystical encounter, when I experienced Mary while doing rosary in my room, a few weeks before Confirmation - so i was IDK 12-ish? That was Awesome.

What was Not awesome, was my actual Confirmation experience: where i watched the Bishop having behavior that pretended to be spiritual, but had no 'magic' in it… it was just words and waving of arms, but nothing real occurred as happening. I was afraid of him, yes, and the prospect of being called to account, and being terribly shy, and such. But, I was actively NOT Awed… in retrospect, i was actively disappointed by the lack of Actual spiritual experience. What a shame to have the shell of the experience left as a ritual, but the experience itself be empty, hollow. Confirmation is intended to be a turn farther INTO the church, but for me, it ended up being a turn away… I know now, that If I want to experience God in church, I gotta 'bring God with me', but I remember my Confirmation as one of the 2 significant disappointments with my Catholic church experience.

The other big disappointment in my Catholicism, I was IDK 15, and I had been agnostic for a couple years. I finally told my folks, and they were UPSET, as were many of my family and friends. My mom dragged me off to the priest to FIX me: aye… He said things that make sense to me Now, about his personal experience of God. But at the time, the interaction just fed my belief that these religious people are, um, let's say intellectually challenged ; )

I found the whole 'coming out as agnostic' experience very strange, because, except for Sunday mornings and holidays, their belief in God seemed to make no noticeable difference in the life of my friends and family. But, most of them were UPSET about my agnosticism. I couldn't understand that, I still don't, really...

I spent the bulk of my teens as an agnostic. And, I continue to believe that the intellect cannot understand God or spiritual reality very well (if at all) and has very different values and priorities; and therefore the intellect doesn't have good reason to believe in God, IMO. In retrospect, I also see my agnosticism as an important and necessary stage in my spiritual journey.

Another important stage was being 'born again Christian' in a house church. I opened to this expereince becasue of the palpable Love of these people for each other and for God. I opened and I became willing to experience something awesome, a spiritual experience that could be named experiencing 'God' *directly*. It was in part an emotional experience, and yet also spiritually true. So, no matter where I have been since, I cannot deny this spiritual experience - this is a touchstone for me, which has been really helpful along the way. Reminds me of what Amy Grant says in her song: 1974:
As the years go by
How I need to see
That's still me

My clairaudience (spiritual hearing) came on strong after a Christian ‘baptism in the Spirit’ right after being 'born again' when I was 17. I was 'on fire' with God for a couple years, after that the honeymoon was over, but real 'married life' had begun, in earnest...

As I said, my relationship with God was really delicious for at least a year or two, but then, the intellect I purposefully 'gave to God' when i was 'born again' was overtly given back to me: it was time for me to grow up, spiritually. I did have and I do have real spiritual experience: I had to learn to reconcile that with competing thoughts, beliefs, emotions, influences and experiences in my life. That process has been extremely challenging and rewarding beyond measure.

I spent most of my 20's struggling with intellectual issues around God, and then also struggling with allowing my perceptions and relationship with God to shift: again and again. I opened to different spiritual paths and ways of experiencing God, outside of the Christian paradigm. I resisted a lot, so it was painful and slow... I can see now that spiritually I was being pushed out of the 'nest': to learn, to grow, to change, to experience many different pathways to The One.

At 29, my clairvoyance (spiritual seeing) came ON very strongly in a life-changing interaction with (what occurred to me as) ‘Goddess’ while driving alone across the Delaware Memorial Bridge (of all places!) on my way to a weekend alone, beach camping. I went 'out of time' for what seemed like a really long time, but really was just the time it took to cross the bridge...

The one I related to as Goddess turned out to be like a Guardian Angel, but she was the primary 'face of God' that I related to for about 10 years. This Goddess experience and my spiritual visual senses turning way UP was not consciously asked for, and stood my world on-end! I am grateful And it was very challenging to deal with at the time. I had no conscious control over my clairvoyance - visions would come when they came… my clairaudience was turned way down for awhile, which encouraged my clairvoyance to develop; but this was disconcerting, since I was used to HEARING God. I was used to talking with God and now, instead, I was being encouraged to visually relate to Goddess instead… I had related to many different concepts and faces of God through my 20's, but I was encouraged to let them go and interact primarily with this Goddess face of God - this was truly a Delight, but strange and unnerving as well. I was grok-ing the world very differently, I was opening to new and very challenging paradigms. This was a time of Huge shift, uncomfortable and exciting.

Also, my healing abilities really started waking up, ~8 months later, when I turned 30, I was ‘called’ as a healer (“You are a Healer becoming”)

This is when I started getting into Real Trouble.

On a minor level, from the time my clairvoyance opened, I started experiencing energetic ‘attacks’ that were uncomfortable and confusing, sometimes disturbing and scary. (the worst was experiencing ‘entities’ coming into my space in uncomfortable and invasive ways)

More detrimental to my wellness, I started using my abilities in healing relationships (I became a massage therapist) I was very good at it, but ended up drained, and sick, eventually bed-ridden for years because Energetically I had terrible boundaries – I was inclined to take on other’s energy to try to heal them and transmute their negative energies. I ended up getting almost every injury and illness, as well as emotional challenge, that my clients experienced – ugh. For Me this was a difficult, painful, dangerous road!

Eventually after many years of churning and suffering (and RESISTING), I dedicated myself to an intense psychic training program. Because of my 'religious programming' against psychics AND my fear of being 'seen' and judged; as well as avoidance of getting down to my Real Healing (which has been Intense) - I avoided this for many years.

I was very ill and headed down fast, I believe if I hadn’t finally been willing to take this road, to repent (change direction), I would be dead by now... This lever of extreme illness Forced me to shift and take on my own psychic healing and development; I wasn't willing to LET GO, to shift my concept of God and myself and the world, except under these most dire of circumstances!

I learned to utilize techniques that really serve me energetically, to co-create healing for myself and others. I learned to be safe & comfortable, to own my space, and be in charge of my abilities. Practicing daily meditation and regularly ‘reading’ and ‘healing’ and 'teaching' in safe, structured ways have served me greatly in the process of my physical, emotional, relational and spiritual wellness. And of course made a huge difference in my ability to serve others, as well. I was in an intense healing & training program for 4 years, and since then I have been healing and serving on my own.

I enjoy my abilities very much, and I allow them to continue opening/increasing. I believe we are all spirit, and we all have these spiritual senses and abilities, it is a matter of allowing them to open (or re-open) in safe and comfortable ways that I believe is most important.

I continue to deepen in my spiritual path, relationship with God, Angels, Ascended Masters and Healing Guides. I work with others to assist them on their own unique journey.

I am so glad for my challenges, they have led me to an Incredible, Exciting, Fruitful life in God and in service to other's spiritual deepening.

So that is my spiritual and psychic journey, in a *relatively* small nutshell

thank you for your attention,