Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gd shall supply all your need

Now No Trace Remains, Niyazi Misri

I thought that in this whole world
no beloved for me remained.
Then I left myself.
Now no stranger in the world remains.

I used to see in every object a thorn
but never a rose–
the universe became a rose garden.
Not a single thorn remains.

Day and night my heart
was moaning “Ahhh!”
I don’t know how it happened–
now no “Ahhh” remains.

Duality went, Unity came.
I met with the Friend in private;
The multitude left, the One came.
Only the One remains.

Religion, piety, custom, reputation–
these used to matter greatly to me.
O Niyazi — what has happened to you?
No trace of religion now remains.

This exposition is greatly appreciated - I think we need it, to help make the truth real for our bodies:
because our personal pain, loneliness, ambivalence, striving... is SO REAL to us.
The answer, the fulfillment we seek, cannot possibly be simple, can it?

Well, yes it can, and it has been said very succinctly, as well:

God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory (Philippians 4)

Most important IMO, is to notice the singular - we only have One real need!

We look at the physical, and we seem to have 10,000 needs - an alphabetized list!
But, when we allow ourselves to Know our Oneness, all our need is supplied.

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