It still bothers me sometimes, but SO much less than the past.
I am attracting a lot less resistance to my path the more I own it as MINE.
I used to feel attacked a lot - embattled and un-loved because of it.
I feel that way less and less, and folks’ behavior toward me is now less and less attacking or judging.
I have played the role of a square peg in a round hole a lot in my life
(Goddess-loving, Christian, Bisexual, Polyamorous, Psychic to name a few roles I play– a lot of things for myself and others to get hooked on…).
So I have a lot of practice!
I have found many strategies to handle this for myself.
I cannot address them all,
but I will name a few internal and external things I do that work for me.
And of course this is a work in progress, I am not nearly baked.
But I am so much more comfortable now than I used to be
- I used to suffer a lot around these issues - now only a little ; )
Internal: This is the most important thing – always, IMO.
I use my meditation techniques ongoingly to do things like:
* let Gd heal me
* let go of my deep, sometimes semi-conscious internal resistance and judgment of myself for being who I am and doing what I am doing (internalized homophobia, etc)
* allow in attitudes and energy of neutrality, amusement, all the gifts of the spirit…
* consciously let go of competition and judgment of self and others (i.e. I let go of judging them for judging me), resistance to their and my way of being (i.e. I let go of attachment to them liking and admiring me).
* acknowledge that I have co-created my experience and consciously create with Spirit something I prefer.
* receive, receive, receive from Gd and other spiritual Masters & Guides, as well as from the Earth: the love, validation, experience of wholeness from the inside, what I am tempted to want from others on the outside!
* be what we call in my tradition 'body of glass':
instead of blocking / protecting / resisting / attaching to energies that I do not want in my system;
I allow Gd to clear my space so those energies pass right through me.
The more I allow my space to clear, the less stuff sticks to me.
What does stick or HOOK, that is where I can allow healing to shift me - so next time I am more clear.
As I do these kinds of things internally, I am more comfortable and happy in my own space, folks are more easeful with me, and it makes it easier for others to shift to a clearer, lighter vibration in their own space, as well.
I remember: what I resist, persists…
This changes MY internal experience.
This changes the kinds of energies I attract, so my external experience changes as well.
SO, what happens is I attract
less of the kind of people who judge me,
the people in my life judge me less,
and when they do judge me it bothers me less.
What does bother me, I allow Gd to heal,
and the cycle starts over at even a higher level.
The most important part of this cycle is for me to let go of judging and trying to change the folks in my life
and devote all that attention and energy to my relationship with Gd and my inner healing.
Again, I am still very much in process with this, but the results so far are quite stunning.
External: really secondary, but helpful.
I allow the changes that I have found from using my meditation techniques to seep into my physical life to change my habits of thinking, feeling, acting and reacting.
This is quite a process.
Here are a few examples of some practices I use to shift my outer life:
* I avoid giving advice.
My best information comes from within, and I don’t change until I am ready
– so I mean to stay out of the way and let others have their own journey as well.
I want all to enjoy our own and honor each other’s spiritual freedom, free will.
When folks ask me for advice, I try to stick to speaking from my own beliefs and experience, and when appropriate (like when I am reading or sometimes when teaching) saying what I see around their situation.
My tradition believes we teach what we need to learn,
and any advice I give is what I need to hear myself, so I take that to heart.
When I am compelled to give advice, I notice that is a place I need healing.
When others are compelled to give me advice,
I notice that perhaps it is a place they need healing, and try not to take it personally ; )
* I enjoy my curiosity about who folks are and why they believe what they believe.
I already know what I believe and don’t necessarily need to hear myself say it over and over.
But, if I am interested in getting to know someone else better, then I am interested in the how, when and what of their POV.
* I personally have found the perspective and tools on NVC: non-violent (or compassionate) communication to be extremely useful and of great service to me in my physical communication and relationships.
* If someone is my intimate, I speak in my own voice completely authentically and they love and validate me.
Sometimes we need to work things out, conflict and misunderstandings – but the basis of who I am and what I am up to is Not under attack, for me this is what an intimate IS.
For non-intimates, I do my best to ‘speak into their listening’.
I remain truthful and myself, but I make an effort to communicate in ways, with words and concepts that match their world view.
I find this helps bridge unnecessary gaps and find common ground on which we can build.
* The more I let go of (non-intimate) people in my life understanding me, loving me, validating me, knowing me (I get these needs met elsewhere),
the more I can relate to folks on the level that They feel comfortable.
I do not have to share experiences, beliefs, myself in ways that people cannot interface with me in an enjoyable way (I polka with folks who can polka and waltz with folks who can waltz – I enjoy most 3 count dances, so what do I care? ; )
Instead of trying to get my needs met from someone who cannot meet them, or can not meet them comfortably,
I interface with them where/how they can meet me – or avoid the encounter completely.
* Although I am very open, I do not tell every person every thing in my life.
They don’t really want to know.
If they ask and I believe they will be uncomfortable with the answer,
I sometimes ask if they really want to know;
if yes I will prolly choose to tell them.
Or, sometimes I will divert the conversation,
and if they care enough to bring questions up again, then I will prolly choose to tell them.
It always remains my choice, and the consequences are mine as well.
Many folks in my life do not really want to know about the things in my life that bring them discomfort.
They have learned not to press too far in certain directions because they don’t really want to encounter conflict.
I have found their discomfort with processing or their leaning toward peaceful-seeming encounters are usually greater than their desire to connect deeply with me.
For folks who do press through and really want to know me, I honor them, even when we disagree.
I share with them honestly for as long as they can be respectful toward me.
When they lose their ability to relate as adult humans, I set boundaries and hope that soon we can connect authentically with joy.
So, that is a bit of what I do with the challenge of feeling judged.
I hope something here assists you in your Journey.
In life, wendy