Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Don't Stop, Believin'

A friend of mine just posted this quote on FaceBook:

No matter how good you are, nobody is going to come knocking at your door. 
You have to take the risk of rejection, and get that material out there. 
Assume, as much as possible, that it might get taken, not that it must be. 
Also, be aware that just because a piece is rejected, it does not necessarily mean that the idea or writing is bad… 
- Elizabeth Berg, Escaping into the Open

It reminded me of a book I recently finished by Piers Anthony: Hasan.
Anthony added a postscript about how the book was conceived, researched, written and sold.
(Honestly, I enjoyed the Author's Note more than the book ; )

He wrote in some detail about how no one would publish the book,
but he believed in it and kept pushing,
and found several innovative ways to get interest in and sale of the book.

After all was said and done, over many years, he tallied the results, he says:
which concludes the most remarkable of my marketing histories: fourteen bounces, five sales, and the first sale the result of a fanzine review of the unsold manuscript. 
The lesson here, I believe is never give up hope. 
My success, in this and in general, owes as much to determination as to talent.

I was encouraged by this - for myself and for all of us.
The work we do, what we creatively birth into the world,
may not be easily recognized by others as the gift that it is.

But when we keep on doing it and sharing it, and shining our Light:
we Will find our audience, our place, our own personal success.

It is vital, for ourselves and the world, that we trust and believe
in ourselves, our calling, and our creations / art / service:
whatever our gifts are. We CAN allow ourselves to Keep Going:

- keep Being who we are,
- keep following our unique path,
- keep opening to our special brand of creativity,
- keep sharing the fruit.

(fill in the blanks, for yourself ; )
No one can sing like you can sing, so Sing Loud!
No one can write like you can write, so Write Often!
No one can love like you can love, so Love Deeply!
No one can live like you can live, so Live Well!

Amen. So Be it.

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